Luz do Sol Backing Track Bossa - 75bpm

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Luz do Sol Backing Track Bossa - This is a beautiful song from Brazilian music in which the instrumentalist will be able to apply his knowledge.

"Luz do Sol" is a song composed by Brazilian singer and composer Caetano Veloso released in 1985 on the album "Caetanear". This theme has the form AABA, with 5 bars for "A" and 12 bars for "B". Harmony will provide the instrumentalist with many melodic possibilities for his improvisation.

This song has been performed by André Mehmari, Djavan, Jorge Vercillo, Gal Costa, Margareth Menezes, Luiz Melodia and many others.

Esse tema pode ser encontrado no “Latin Real Book – Sher Music” e no “Almir Chediak – Caetano Veloso vol.2”.

This backing track consists of drums, bass and piano. The tempo is at 75bpm.

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I hope you like it, good studies!