Groovin Funk NO BASS Backing Track in Dm - 110bpm

Groovin Funk NO BASS Backing Track in Dm - This accompaniment track presents several possibilities for the bass student to apply what they have learned.

It is a cadence in D minor in the following formation: | Im7 | IVm7 | bVI7 | V7 |. The level of difficulty is moderate for the beginner bass player to use what he learns in classes without great difficulties, more experienced instrumentalists will be free to dare about this harmonic cadence.

Special attention to the Bb7 chord, which is a modal loan chord, since it is a SubV7, it prepares the A7 chord.

If you want to improvise on this backing track, you can apply the arpeggios of each of the chords, the Dorian mode in the minor chords and mixolydium in the dominant ones, if you like the minor melodic scale the 4# mixolyid mode will fit like a glove also in the dominant chords, as well as the changed scale if you want to dare a little more. The use of pentatonics is also very welcome. Anyway, this backing track can yield fun hours of study.

In this track we use drums and two guitars. The tempo is at 110bpm.

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I hope you like it, good studies!