Funk NO BASS Backing Track (Em7-B7alt) - 110bpm

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Funk NO BASS Backing Track - A great accompaniment without bass with only 2 chords in funk rhythm.

In this jam track there is no bass so that the student of this instrument can apply their knowledge.

In this backing track the student will be able to apply melodic lines over a minor chord and an altered dominant chord. On the minor chord, the Doric mode of the major scale will fit very well, while for the altered chord, the altered and dominant diminished scales will fit perfectly.

This simple progression gives the bass player an infinity of possibilities, try triads and tetrads, feel the sound of each interval, in the end the result will be quite positive.

This backing track consists of drums and electric piano. The tempo is at 110bpm.

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I hope you like it, good studies!