Fly Me to the Moon Jazz Backing Track - 140bpm

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Fly Me to the Moon Jazz Backing Track - Here the music student will be able to practice what he learned about this very successful song.

"Fly Me to the Moon" is a song written in 1954 by Bart Howard, originally named "In Other Words". The famous version of 1964 in the voice of Frank Sinatra had a strong association with the Apollo missions to the Moon.

This song was composed in 3/4, but Quincy Jones changed it to 4/4 in his arrangement.

The lyrics for this song are as follows:

“Fly me to the Moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please, be true
In other words, I love you

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please, be true
In other words
In other words
I love you”

In this musical accompaniment, the improviser will have many opportunities to study the cadence II-V-I, a sequence of chords widely used in jazz.

This backing track consists of drums, bass, piano and guitar. The tempo is at 140bpm.

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I hope you like it, good studies!