Desafinado Backing Track Bossa Nova - 160bpm

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Desafinado Backing Track Bossa Nova - Here the student will be able to improvise on the sophisticated harmony of this famous Brazilian music.

"Desafinado" is a song composed by Antônio Carlos Jobim and Newton Mendonça. The song was released in 1958 by João Gilberto and was included in the album "Chega de Saudade" in 1959. The song is a response to those critics who said that bossa nova was "music for out of tune singers", but this strangeness was generated at the beginning it was due to the lazy and syncopated rhythm, the sophistication of its melody and the unusual harmonic construction.

It is a very representative song for the history of Brazilian music, as it is considered that Brazil made an immense leap in the early 60's entering modern life due to the new technological advances that the whole world was experiencing, "Desafinado" was one of the main soundtracks for these events.

The song is also known as "Slightly Out of Tune" and "Off Key", titles given in the English language.

The Portuguese lyrics for this song are as follows:

“Se você disser que eu desafino, amor
Saiba que isto em mim provoca imensa dor
Só privilegiados têm ouvido igual ao seu
Eu possuo apenas o que Deus me deu

Se você insiste em classificar
Meu comportamento de anti-musical
Eu mesmo mentindo devo argumentar
Que isto é Bossa Nova, que isto é muito natural
O que você não sabe, nem sequer pressente
É que os desafinados também têm um coração

Fotografei você na minha Roleiflex
Revelou-se a sua enorme ingratidão
Só não poderá falar assim do meu amor
Ele é o maior que você pode encontrar

Você com a sua música esqueceu o principal
Que no peito dos desafinados
No fundo do peito bate calado
Que no peito dos desafinados
Também bate um coração”

This song has been performed by many great artists, including Stan Getz, Joe Henderson, Charlie Byrd, Joe Diorio, Ron Carter, Scott Hamilton, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, George Michael, Chick Corea, Dizzy Gillespie, Olmir Stocker, Nelson Faria and many others.

The song "Desafinado" is considered a jazz standard and can be found in "Real Book vol.1" on page 112, in "The New Real Book vol.1" on page 65 and in "Songbook Bossa Nova - Almir Chediak vol .2 "on page 60, it was from that last book that we took the score to produce this backing track because he is an author with enormous authority on the subject of bossa nova.

This backing track consists of drums, double bass, piano and nylon guitar. The tempo is at 160bpm. (or 80bpm in the 2/4 time signature typical of that style)

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