Country Blues Backing Track in D - 100bpm

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Country Blues Backing Track - Here the music student will be able to improvise on one of the most popular styles of American music.

Country music has several ramifications that range from romantic ballads to very lively dance songs. Jimmie Rodgers, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Shania Twain, Alan Jackson, and Kenny Rogers are some of the main names in this style.

Here we have a very common construction on a 12-bar blues cadence. Certainly those who are already initiated in the art of improvisation will not find it difficult to create beautiful solos on this backing track, since those who are starting will find here a simple basis to apply what they have learned.

This backing track consists of drums, bass, piano and guitar. The tempo is at 100bpm.

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I hope you like it, good studies!