Come Back Baby Blues Backing Track - 60bpm

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Come Back Baby Blues Backing Track - Here you can practice your blues solos in the key of A.

This song has been performed by artists like Walter Davis, BB King, Lightnin 'Hopkins, Fred Neil, Blind Lemon Pledge, Stefan Grossman, Big Chief Ellis, Jefferson Airplane, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, David Crosby, George Benson, Etta James, Eric Clapton, Johnny Winter and many others.

This is a slow blues on 12/8 with 8-bars, with no secret for those who will improvise and can use the will on the pentatonic scale and arpeggios.

This backing track consists of drums, bass, guitar and resonator guitar (dobro). The tempo is at 60bpm.

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I hope you like it, good studies!