Capim Backing Track Samba - 175bpm

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Capim Backing Track Samba - This is the backing track of a fantastic song by Djavan that has been performed by great names in world music.

"Capim" is a 1982 samba by Brazilian composer Djavan. It was released in the album "Luz" of the same year, which was highly praised by the specialized critics.

This theme has already been interpreted by Alcione, Janis Siegel, Arthur Maia, The Manhattan Transfer, Abraham Laboriel, Oscar Castro-Neves, Toninho Horta, Paulinho Da Costa, Stan Getz, César Camargo Mariano, Rosa Passos, Vanessa da Mata, Jane Duboc, The Cariocas, Zizi Possi, among others.

This theme can be found in "The New Real Book vol.2" on page 39 and in "Djavan Songbook Almir Chediak vol.2" on page 56.

This backing track consists of drums, bass and electric piano. The tempo is at 175bpm.

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