Blues in A minor Backing Track - 95bpm

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Blues in A minor for the improviser to explore all his creativity with this style that supports almost all modern music, from jazz to rock.

This Backing Track is composed of electric bass, resonator guitar (dobro) and a very Latin touch given by percussion. The tempo is at 95bpm. The result was really cool!

Here there is the possibility to explore different sounds not only with the versatile pentatonic scale, but since it is a base in a minor tone, it is possible to use the minor modes of the major scale Aeolian, Lócrio and even the Phrygian mode, remembering to leave the 9b in the latter case only as a passing note.

Special attention to the E7 chord in this blues cadence, this dominant chord maintains the characteristic tension of the style and allows the improviser to use the minor melodic scale, whether in its application as altered or as a 4 # mixolydium, there is the possibility of using it too the diminished dominant scale on that chord. Don't forget to use triads and tetrads, these are always very important tools.

It is important to try all the sounds and remember that being economical and convincing are characteristics of the best improvisers.

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I hope you like it, good studies!